Lately, Hattie and I have been spending a lot of quality time together. The more we hang out, the more I'm convinced she's part human. She is a bit sassy and loves getting all up in everyone else's business. She hates being alone and is kind of an attention whore. Rude and annoying, right? Besides that, she's great!
She knows that when I put on my shoes it probably means I'm about to leave and she'll lay her whole body across my feet while I put on my makeup. Her favorite place to eat is Panera and she absolutely loves playing 7, 11, or doubles. She likes to go on runs which isn't very enjoyable for me... it's either her pace or none. She's also terrified of squirrels and little children... which makes running past preschools not very fun. There have also been a few times when she's a complete bitch and thinks it'd be funny to trip me. It's not.
H.J. loves playing with her best friends Dooley and Bailey, and recently started hanging out with Jackson Pete. She's not a fan of lights being turned on when she's trying to sleep, especially when she's in her new tempurpedic bed she got for Christmas. I have to admit, she's done exceptionally well without her cage... except for the one time she ate the cork to the most expensive bottle of wine Hank and I ever bought which was very carefully placed on the highest shelf of my dresser. How she knew it was there is beyond me. I wasn't sure if I should be devastated or highly impressed. I spanked her.
Hattie Jane, you are a wild and crazy woman. I am so happy Hank Jr. picked you and I wouldn't want you any other way.

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