Thursday, January 31, 2013

TBT: Moonsicle and E-Slice Edition

Well, what do you know...
it's already Thursday again.

If you're on Facebook or Instagram or Twitter,
you know what that means...


The other night, Mandi and I were reminiscing on the days where we painted the town red (literally... sometimes there was blood). There came a point in time where her parents should have claimed me as one of their own. 
A typical day: wake up, go to work, work until 6, drive to Mandarin, meet Mandi at Chili's, have 2 rounds of 2-for-1's, eat bottomless chips and occasionally order a meal, leave, get a bottle of wine each, meet back at the Parete house, make 3 bags of popcorn (1 for me, 1 for her, and 1 for Momma P), head straight to the Wine Room, sit on the couch, turn on the T.V., open our computers, stalk the shit out of Facebook, and Pinterest our little hearts out. 
Sad... but good times.

We weren't always losers though.
 Here are some never-before seen pictures to prove it:

Valentines Day circa '10
Test driving my rental... a minivan


 The passport days
(disregard the fact that I look with child)

 Moonsicles 22nd

Moonsie's graduation party

Late night Taco Bell
... apparently Elvis had the same idea

'Team Awesome'

Tracking down 'Team Awesome'

The Wine Room

Performing at The Pier 

My favorite picture

Mandi making me manually open the gate to her house... 
in the rain

After the U.S. soccer game... we made our cab driver go through TacoBell so we could get our 12 pack
Also after the soccer game... trying to track down my life


'The Boss' chillin' in The Wine Room

Lastly, I leave you with this... 
the time we attempted a blog