Saturday, February 23, 2013

Successful Saturday

Mandi and I survived yet another overnight/day with the twins.
(and for those of you who don't know... 'the twins' = two 3year olds and two 9month olds. 
Yup, alllll from the same fam.)

It all started yesterday around 10 a.m. Mandi was still getting her shit together while I had arrangements to meet with half of our clients. Granted, they were asleep when I arrived
but of course, the moment their primary caretakers left the house, they awoke from their slumbers. 
They felt my presence... I just know it.

As I proceeded to feed them their gourmet lunch of cheerios, grinded up chicken and mac&cheese, some almond butter sammies and a buddy fruit, Hayes and Mandi showed up to relieve me only so I could go pick up the other half of our cliental. 
When I got back home from picking the older boys up from Pre-K... it was strictly nap time, as Hayes, Mandles and I had important business to attend to:
They are die hard insanitarians. This was only my second time.

With the older 2 in bed, we caged the babes in the "playroom" and began what would soon be the death of us. 
After 40 minutes of heart-wrenching cardio, we were nasty, sweaty, and hungry.
Of course, we had to wait for the munchkins to wake before we could go anywhere... 
but when they FINALLY did (around 5pm) we packed up the troops and went straight to Players Grille.
All 4 kiddos were SO well behaved... it was unbelievable. 
Nothing else cool happened that night... we put all twinzies to bed and watched a couple movies.

Only to be woken up the next morning at 6.a.m.

I mean seriously... I haven't woken up that early since the 7th grade.
But hey, what are you supposed do when all 4 kids wake up ready party?

(very)Long day short, Moondles, Hayes and I took the twinsomes to the Avenues Mall.
After we all ate our fair share of Chick-fil-a, Subway, and Mandarin Express
we headed for Forever 21. 
To the public, I am sure it seemed as if Mandi was a mother of 2 baby twins, and Hayes and I both brought along our 3 year old sons as some sort of "play-date".
All went well until Hayes's child (for the day) and my child (for the moment) started stripping clothes from the hangers and looking up the mannequins skirt while proceeding to kick each other in the shins and screaming as loud as they could.
Needless to say..
it was time to go.

By the time we got home, it was 2 p.m. and to be honest... I couldn't tell who needed a nap more:  Moonsie and I or the boys and babies.
 As soon as we walked in the door, all hell broke loose. 
I won't go in to detail but it was not pretty on both accounts. 
But fear not... it was a quiet house by 2:30.
And it was all smooth sailing from there.

So here we are now... 10:10 p.m. sitting on the couch enjoying a TALL glass (or bottle) of Pinot, eating our weight in cookies and popcorn while watching our 2nd movie of the night.
Don't believe me? 
See for yourself:

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Healthy Foodie?

Ahhh I'm finally getting a chance to sit down and relax after suffering from a serious case of the Mondays. Although this past weekend was an amazing time, it wasn't the best for Hank and I as our poor bodies were probably going through shock.
Why, you ask?
...rewind to 2 Sundays ago.

After spending way too much money drinking and eating our asses off (like, literally I scarfed down 20 wings, fries and steamed shrimp + beer at Hooters one night. But whose counting? They were buy 10 get 10 free. Obviously we had to take full advantage of the half-off situation) Hanky came to me with a brilliant challenge: 
We would not go out to eat or have a single drink until 5 p.m. Friday.
Challenge Accepted.

Being the health freak I am, I quickly fell in love with this idea. So naturally, I put my happy ass in the car and headed to Publix. So many healthy dinner recipes were running 500 mph through my brain, I could hardly keep up with myself. 
The following is a glimpse of what my cart consisted of:
Kale, spinach, onion, tomatos, broccoli, deli meat, healthy oat nut bread, oatmeal, cracker chips, ground chicken, beans, rice, nuts, low fat cheeses, fiber tortillas, milk thistle, fish oil, multivitamins, and tic tacs.
Although it was not easy, I am proud to say we survived the challenge. All our meals were healthy, we drank a ton of water, and we took our vitamins every single morning. So refreshing and between the 2 of us, we saved a good chunk of change.
It was bitter sweet. I had gotten used to the whole detox thing and it felt good.

And then there it was, the hour we had been waiting for all week. 5. FIVE. fiiiiiive.
How could I pass up the happiest of hours?
Our healthiness was soon forgotten.
 We started our weekend off with the usual at Lillian's and it was delicious as always.
After that is when things started getting weird.
Who would have thought that taking 1 week off alcohol would have such an impact on tolerance?!
Saturday rolls around and Mandi and I absolutely needed a bagel filled with creamy, fattening cream-cheese from Bagel Love and boy was it good. It might be my new go-to on Saturdays. 
Then, of course Hankalicious decides an hour later that he too needs food. 
Where do we go next?
La Nop. Duh.
After my second breakfast we just sit around and do random things all day.. blahh blahh blahh.
And then we had a wedding to attend. Let's just say we had a blast.
Sunday morning came around and all I wanted to do was crawl into my bed with a gallon of water, watch endless episodes of Friends, and forget about all the awful (but delicious) junk food I had consumed over the weekend.
And then, I was quickly reminded that it was Superbowl Sunday. Great.
After all, it turned out to be a good day spent pigging out with 3 of my best friends while watching football and Beyonce (...but mostly Beyonce).

So, here I am now... drinking water, eating a grapefruit and
 writing out my grocery list for this weeks meals.
Here's to another week of saving, detoxing, and healthifying.

Mojo's Friday

Ohhh Bagel Love

Like father, like daughter

My healthy burrito creation
How us girls celebrated the Superbowl